Maple Drive, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S81 0LR

01909 486374


Prospect Hill Infant And Nursery School

Welcome to Our Website!

On-Line Payments


Our school is a cashless school.  We are not able to accept any cash.  The only exception to this is fundraising activities we promote in school, eg non-uniform days, charity collections and fayres.  We use the on-line provider Schoolcomms  for a convenient and secure way for payments to the school.

If you are a new parent you will receive your registration details once your child has started at Prospect Hill Infant and Nursery School.

All parents/carers will need to register for an account with Schoolcomms prior to paying any monies for the following:

  • Breakfast Clubs
  • School Trips
  • School based activities
  • After School Activity Clubs 

Please see the school office if you have any queries.


Instructions on how to register a Schoolcomms account are HERE