Maple Drive, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S81 0LR

01909 486374


Prospect Hill Infant And Nursery School

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Year 2 2024-2025

March 2025

We had a great sharing stories session this week.  It was lovely to see so many grown -ups sharing stories with the children. 

The children all looked amazing in their comfy clothing for World Book Day! We had fun making top trumps cards for our favourite story characters and then competing in battles to find out which story character was the champion!

February 2025

We started our new topic of Mechanisms in Design and Technology this week. We now know what wheels and axels are and how they move. We had a great time exploring the different toy vehicles, looking closely to identify the wheels and axels. We can't wait to design and make our own!

We are so excited to be attendance winners for this half term.  We used our British Value of democracy to vote for what we wanted as our reward. We chose to have lots of different building, small world and colouring and drawing activities.  What a great end to a wonderful half term!

In our Art and Design and Technology this week we finished off making our structures.  We did a really great job of following our designs.  We also showed great resilience when things didn't work and used our creativity to change the design through making.  Our structures all look amazing and they were stable too.  Well done Butterflies!

This week in Geography we have been doing fieldwork skills.  We looked at maps of our local area and the different physical and human features we would find.  For our fieldwork we were focusing on physical features looking for natural habitats for plants and animals.  We used a compass to check the direction we were travelling in.  We recorded our findings on a tally chart.

January 2025

In our Art lessons we have been learning about architecture.  We have been looking at the work of Hundertwasser. We are going to make our own structures inspired by his work.  In Design and technology we have been having a go at different joining techniques.  We will use these techniques to help us construct our structures.

On Monday morning we found a letter from Biscuit Bear in our classroom, along with lots of biscuit wrappers, biscuit crumbs and Biscuit Bear's favourite biscuits.  We read the letter and then looked at the biscuits thinking of adjectives and expanded noun phrases to describe the different biscuits.  

December 2024

We had a great time this week celebrating the last week of term and thinking about Christmas.

We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas!

We have been reading instructions in our English lessons.  We had to follow the instructions to make different Christmas decorations.  We are very proud of our creations!

We have been very busy making our Christmas cards.  We can't wait to take them home! 

November 2024

We had some Pudsey challenges to complete in our Maths learning today.  We used coins to help us complete the challenges. We worked hard and were all very prod of ourselves!

During Children in Need day we were set the challenge to design a new bear friend for Pudsey and Blush.  We had to think of their name and describe their appearance and personality.  We were very creative and came up with fabulous ideas. We hope you like our bears!

In History we are finding out how schools were different in the past.  We thought of some questions to ask a visitor to find out how our school has changed over time.  Mrs Parker came into school to answer our questions.  We found out lots of information including that the school opened in 1986 and the first Headteacher was called Mrs Hollenby.  We also found out that children did not always have to wear a school uniform and the badge that we have as our logo was designed by a child.  We also found out that the walls between the classrooms did not used to go all the way along so you could see into each classroom.  The children used to eat their dinner in the corridor outside of the class rooms and not in the hall like we do now. We also discovered that the teachers used to write on blackboards and did not have the interactive Smart Boards that we use at school.  We all asked lots of interesting questions and decided that schools do change lots over time.

October 2024

In Geography we have been learning all about weather and climate.  We went outside to investigate the weather in Worksop using our weather station.  

Some  children identified verbs within instructions of how to capture a bridge Troll and then followed the instructions to construct an actual trap. Well done to those children who worked so hard working as a team.

What a fabulous reading showcase we had today.  The children really enjoyed sharing books, playing reading games and completing different reading activities.  It was great to see the message 'reading is fun' in action.  Thank you so much to all the grown-ups who were able to come and join us.

September 2024

This week in Maths we have been learning how to flexibly partition 2 digit numbers.  Today we used the base tens equipment to explore the different ways we could partition the numbers 53 and 78.  Well done Butterflies!

In music this week we have been using the chime bars to play the correct notes along to the song 'Hands, Feet, Heart'. We know that chime bars are a tuned instruments that can play notes. We followed the song carefully and were able to play the notes and sing the song at the same time!

This week during our RE learning we listened to the story David and Goliath, this is one of the important stories in the Torah. Once we had listened to the story we made stick puppets of David, Goliath, King Saul and members of the army to retell the story.

Wow! What an absolutely fabulous forest session this week.  So much learning and so much fun!  We made art in the forest using what we could find, we worked together in teams to create our fabulous masterpieces. We used our curiosity to find things in the woods, we found cyclamen, the fungi 'Chicken of the Woods', animal puppets with off spring ( a great link to our science learning), we even found leaves with patterns on them that looked like maps - including the continent of Africa ( fantastic Geography knowledge) and we found an enormous feather and wondered what bird it might have come from! 

We had great fun using the hammock that Mrs Reynolds had put up, showing that we understood how to be a good friend by taking it in turns, encouraging each other and listening to each other.

We really do enjoy our sessions in the forest and all the fun and learning that they bring!

Look at the fabulous artwork we created this week.  We looked at art that is inspired by nature.  We then went outside and looked for natural objects to use.  We used these natural objects to create our masterpieces.  We hope you enjoy them!

We had a great time in our first Forest Session of Year 2.  Mrs Reynolds helped us to remember the rules that help us to keep safe and have lots of fun! We enjoyed making our journey sticks using things we found as we explored our woodland area.  Mrs Reynolds was really happy when the washer from her new water container was found on the forest floor!

We have had a great start to Year 2! We love the new layout of our classroom. We have been showing how we can listen carefully and get on with what we are being asked to do quietly.  Mrs Hall is very impressed!  Keep up the great work brilliant Butterflies!

In Geography we had to think about what we thought we might see if we went to the South Pole.  


Year 1   2023-2024

June 2024

In our Athletics PE session this week we were learning about sprinting. We started the session by playing a game of Dragons Tails. We love playing this game to see how many tails we can catch!  We then practiced our sprinting technique thinking about how it changed our breathing. We had a go at using relay batons and practised passing them to a partner without dropping them. Well done Foxes! 

In Design and Technology we looked at different soft toys and talked about what we did and did not like about them. We will be making our own small soft toy over the next few weeks. Today we learned about sewing as a way of joining 2 pieces of fabric together. We were shown how to thread a needle, tie a knot and do a running stitch. It was a little tricky but we kept trying! 

In Geography we did some field work. We went outside to look at the different physical features we could find and ticked them on our recording sheet. We then found some human features and drew quick sketches of them.  Great field work Foxes! 

This week in Art we were learning to make close observational drawings of birds. We watched videos of birds then when the video paused we drew what we could see. We used pencils to sketch and handwriting pens to go over the outline and add detail. We used oil pastels to add the colour. We created some great art work! I’m 

May 2024

Craft Showcase

We had a brilliant family art and craft showcase where we made some fantastic collages using scrap materials. We had so much fun making the woodland animals we name our classes at Prospect after. Can you see what materials we have used?

Our trip to Christ Church

Foxes had a lovely trip to Christ Church on Thursday 9th May as part of our RE topic, 'Visiting a Church'. It was a lovely, sunny day and we all walked really sensibly down to the church. When we arrived, Helen showed us around the outside and inside of the building. We looked at the different features of the church, like the spire, altar, lectern and crucifix. Then we got to explore some important artefacts such as the chalice cup, baptism candle and Holy Bible. Helen told us lots of interesting facts about the church and we had the chance to ask questions. Thank you to all our parent helpers (and to Mrs Hall) for joining us.


May 2024

Foxes had such a fantastic time exploring some Math's provision last week. We were consolidating our previous learning about 2d and 3d shapes and doubling. You can see from all of our super work and big smiles that we were having such good fun!



April 2024

For our Science learning today we found out all about fish.  We watched some videos that told us all about what a fish is and the different types of fish.  Then we all became scientist and put on our observation goggles.  We went outside where we looked at a real fish. Mrs Hall wore gloves to touch the fish but we all looked really closely.  We know a fish has gills, fins, a tail, two eyes, scales and a mouth.  We even looked that closely that we could see the teeth! We all had a great time and were fabulous scientists.  Well done Foxes!

We started our Forest session this week by trampling down the grass in the fire circle when Mrs Reynolds invited us in. In this session we were finding out all about what types of wood are good to make a fire. We felt the difference between dry wood and fresh wood. Mrs Reynolds told us that fresh wood is called green wood. We then looked in our woods to find and collect some kindling and tinder wood. We found lots and lots that Mrs Reynolds is saving in the wood store until she shows us how to make a fire safely in a few weeks time. We really enjoyed our time playing and exploring in the forest. We still found some more wild things - this time Mrs Reynolds had turned into a wild thing!  We ended the session with a special story, some juice and a biscuit to celebrate being the attendance winners for last half term

We had a fabulous time in our first forest session of this half term. Mrs Reynolds helped us to remember all of the rules including the ‘fire rule!’  We then learnt about why the forest is a good ecosystem for plants and other wildlife and how we can help look after our ecosystems.  Then we had time to play and explore in the woods. We found the wonderful fairy houses we had made in our DT sessions last half term. We were surprised to find some ‘wild things’ in our forest like in the book Where the Wild Things Are that we look had been reading in our English lessons. Even Mrs Hall had turned into a wild thing! 

March 2024

Wow!  What a fabulous showcase we had!  It was really great to see so many parents and grandparents. The children enjoyed asking questions about the toys the grown-ups had brought in. We made a fabulous timeline with toys from the 1960s to the 2020s. With the toys all laid out on our time line we could easily see the similarities and differences between toys from the past and modern day toys. We had a great time playing all the different games including Beetle Drive, Tiddlywinks, Marbles and Noughts and Crosses. It really was a fabulous showcase. Well done Foxes!  We are really proud of you! 

We really enjoyed our virtual visit from the author and illustrator Steve Antony.  He read us his story UnPlugged and then showed us how to draw the character Blip.  We drew our own version of Blip alongside Steve Antony as he gave us instructions as he drew.  He then told us we could add our own choice of shapes for the buttons and add our own colours. We also named the characters we drew.  We were really inspired by Steve as he told us anything is possible and we can all create stories of our own.  Thank you Steve Antony and well done Foxes!  Look at our amazing illustrations!

During our D&T session this week we worked in our groups to make our fairy house following our collaborative design. We chose our materials carefully and tried out different joining and fixing techniques. We now know how to use a hinge, tying, a flange, tabs and threading to join materials together. We followed our designs carefully to make the finished product. We cannot wait to put our fairy houses in the forest when we have our next forest sessions with Mrs Reynolds after the Easter holidays. We really hope the fairies like them! 

Today during Art we worked on larger sheets of cartridge paper to explore marks that can be made with watercolours and various techniques and brushes. This week we worked towards developing imagery from the imagination to know we can use the element of surprise and accident to help us create art.  

This week we started a new sequence of learning in History.  This half term we will be learning all about toys, what makes them special and how toys have changed over time.  This week we brought in our favourite toy from home.  We talked about our favourite toy and what makes them special.  Some of the toys we brought in were new toys, some we remembered getting them for a birthday and some were toys we had for a long time.  We loved sharing our toys and the memories we had.  Well done everyone!

What a fabulous Phonics Showcase we had on Tuesday.  It was lovely to see so many parents.  The children really enjoyed showcasing their phonics learning.  Well done Foxes!

January 2024

In our Art lesson this week we continued our learning about sculpture.  We remembered the knowledge from last week that sculptures are art work in 3 Dimensions.  We used different materials to explore and make our own sculptures.  We know that playful exploration can generate ideas.  We made some wonderful creations!

January 2024

What a fabulous first forest session with Mrs Reynolds. This week we were learning how to know and remember the safety rules and to know the hazards to look for to keep us safe. We talked about and practised the Fire Rule and we even found some Chicken in the Woods!  This is a type of fungi that is safe but Mrs Reynolds reminded us of the importance of not touching things we see in the woods if we are not sure what they are. Then we had lots of time to explore the woods. We found out that young holly leaves are smooth and older holly leaves are prickly. We drew, found animals that were hidden in the woods, made a puppet show in a den, used littler pickers and wheelbarrows to collect things and made delicious mud pie recipes with lots of secret ingredients! 

January 2024

Our PE sessions this half term will be Gymnastics with Coach Connor from Kixx. This week we were learning to know how to roll. Coach Connor showed us three different rolls- a forward tuck roll, a pencil roll and a bear roll. We had great fun trying the different rolls. 

January 2024

In our Science this week we were learning to know how to describe and compare seeds and bulbs. We used magnifying glasses to look closely at the seeds. We decided that the Marrigold seeds looked like tiny little caterpillars and the reddish seeds looked like tiny rabbit droppings!  We can’t wait to find out more about plants and how they grow over the next few weeks 

What a fabulous Christmas Party Day we all had! We had great fun listening to Christmas music and making our crowns for the party.  In Foxes Class we all made a Christmas card and sent them to Squirrels class  so everyone got a Christmas card, and Squirrels Class made Christmas cards for us!  We really enjoyed our Party Food Themed Dinner too!  What great movers we all are.  We got to show our dance moves in the hall and played party games.  Pass the Santa hat was so much fun.  What a busy day we all had!  Merry Christmas Everyone!

In PE today, we finished our gymnastics unit of work by combining all of the elements we have learnt this half term including a starting position, travelling in different ways, balancing, different types of jumps and finishing positions.


We used small and large apparatus and all did an amazing job following the leader and making up some brilliant routines!


Mrs Robertson was very proud of us all! 


Maths Story Book Day

We listened to  the story ‘How Many Legs?’ by Kes Gray and Jim Field.  We loved listening to the story and trying to work out how many legs there were each time a new animal joined the party. We had great fun pretending to be the animals and trying to work out how many legs there were altogether. Ask us if we can remember! 

In Design and Technology our project was to investigate, design and make a winter themed moving picture. We started by investigating sliders, levers and spinners. We chose to make our pictures with a slider. We designed our background and made our character. We then cut our design so the slider could move across the picture. We used a whole punch and scissors to do this. Our finished pictures are fantastic!  What do you think? 

Wow!  Foxes were amazing today.  They all really enjoyed their Christmas Performance and sharing the story of the Nativity with all of their grown-ups!  The singing was fantastic and the children all remembered their words.  So proud of Foxes - you are all superstars!

In Science this week we did an experiment to find out which materials are waterproof and which materials are not waterproof.  We listened carefully to the instructions to carry out the experiment.  It was great fun.  Ask us what we found out!

In Maths this week we are learning all about shapes.  As an extension activity we had to explore the different shapes and find out which ones made the best towers.

We really enjoyed our visit from Grandad Wheels this week. He read us one of his stories. Then he asked us all to design a futuristic wheel chair for him. We came up with some fantastic ideas. Grandad Wheels loved our designs! What do you think?

This was our final cool down of our final dance session with Kaisha.  We have had a great half term learning different dance moves, learning how to put those moves into a sequence and then using these sequences to make a dance routine.  We look forward to seeing Kaisha again and we know the Year Two's will have lots of fun next half term

In this Dance routine we had to learn and remember the sequences of moves.  We also had to learn to count the moves to the music.  Kaisha was really impressed.

Check out our Dance moves!  In this dance we had to copy Kaisha to see what moves to do.  We had lots of fun and we really love this song!

This week in music we were learning about composing our own version of a song called Hey You!  We thought about what new words would fit in the rhythmic pattern of the song.  We had the theme of eating to help us come up with our ideas.  Then we practiced the song a few times.  We are really proud of the song we composed.  We hope you like it too.

In our dance sessions our dance teacher Kaisha is teaching us dance sequences that we are putting together to make a dance routine. We have really impressed her this week with our ability to remember the sequences and repetitions. We love putting the dance moves together to music especially as it means we get to sing along! 

In book club this week we all had a good look at the core stories for Year 1. We chose our favourite one and had fun exploring the different stories. We talked about why we chose that story as our favourite and loved sharing our ideas with the whole class. We really love our weekly book club!  

Today as part of our geography we went on a treasure hunt looking for treasure that a superhero alien had left for us.  We had to follow a map to find and solve the clues that led us to the treasure.  We found it!  Well done Foxes!

This week in Computing it was the second time we had used the laptops all at the same time. We logged in then opened Purple Mash and used our own pupil login. We then changed our avatars. We had a great time creating our own personal avatar to look like us. We all did amazing. Can you spot who is who?

The children had a wonderful visit from Hayley from Big Talk Education.  Hayley spoke to them all about how to keep our bodies safe and private. They practiced showing which areas they keep private and using scientific names for all of our body parts! Super job Foxes!

In our Art lesson this afternoon we were learning about pressure and the effect different pressure can have.  We found out that if you increase the pressure the marks you are making with your chalk become darker and bolder.  We created some fabulous art work on our playground!  Well done Foxes!