Squirrel Class Gallery
2024- 2025
March 2025
We found a lost, lonely penguin in our classroom. We decided to find out information about penguins, polar bears, and seals. We then looked at features of fact files and made our own fact files, presenting them with subtitles, photos, and facts.
We loved celebrating books on World Book Day! We made bookmarks, designed a new book character, and looked for traditional characters.
February 2025
We had a brilliant last session of Forest School today. We have been learning all about different shelters this half term. We had lots of fun exploring the forest again today and worked so well together, thinking of how to be kind to others. We also liked hiding when everyone was in the shelter!
In English, Year One have been reading ‘The Gruffalo’ and today had thought about what other characters could be in the story. This afternoon, the children created their own sliding pictures, thinking about what they had learnt last term. “I remembered not to cut all the way across the paper this time.” They enjoyed it and it was clear that they had retained the knowledge from when they made them in D.T. lessons last term and applied that knowledge in today's task.
We learned how to use loppers safely today to cut branches. We also enjoyed exploring the forest again.
We had the best time making shelters in Forest School. We also loved the rope swing!
January 2025
We had a fantastic time testing our kites today. We tested tissue paper, card, and plastic. We decided that plastic would be the best material to make kites from.
In English we have been looking at the traditional tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". We decided to change the main characters and the food to create our own stories. E.g. 'Fox and the Three Squirrels', 'Pirate Penguin and the Three Elephants'. We have been working really hard on our handwriting, capital letters, full stops, adjectives, and conjunctions. We take lots of pride in our work. Here are some of our stories.
We love Maths in Squirrel Class. We love working systematically and using practical resources to help us with our learning. Today we found all the number bonds to 20 by working systematically. We are also working on presenting our work neatly, with one number or symbol in a box.
Here are our creativity medals!
In Art we have been learning about three dimensional Art called sculptures. Today we learned that a design is a plan. We designed our own creativity medals and talked about the materials we might use. Here are some of our designs.
We absolutely loved making shelters for the woodland animals today in Forest School. We looked for a variety of natural materials and thought about how to keep the animals cosy and sheltered from the weather. We also enjoyed using the mud kitchen, sweeping brushes, finding bugs and looking at them using magnifying classes.
In Art, we have been learning about sculpture and that a sculpture is a three dimensional piece of Art. Today we explored a variety of materials and used our imagination to create our own sculptures. Can you guess what we made?
BRRRRRRRRRR! It was freezing in the woods today but we all dressed up warm with our coats, gloves , scarves and hats. What a wonderful wintery woodland time we had.
We all played a game to keep ourselves warm and went exploring, keeping safe and looking out for hazards on the way.
We are all looking forward to next week.
Today we discovered a crime scene in the hall! There was a broken chair, porridge, a 'G' necklace, and 3 bears. We used our detective brains to write a police report and decided that it was probably Goldilocks who had been.
December 2024
We've had a fabulous Christmas party day! We made party hats, rocking snowmen, and played lots of party games.
We loved listening to Christmas songs and enjoying the festivities for our Christmas jumper and Christmas dinner day.
In Music this term, we have been learning different Christmas songs and talking about the meaning of them. Today we performed them to our parents. We did an amazing job! Here we are in our Christmas jumpers.
November 2024
Today we had a visit from Mrs McLuckie. She told us all about when she was little. Her favourite things to play with were games. She played snap, happy families, and dominoes. She played with dolls, cars, her bikes, and spirographs. On the playground she played hopscotch, what’s the time Mr wolf, skipping ropes, and ball games. At school, all the childrn in her class sat at wooden desks with the teacher at the front with a pointer to show things on the board. Every day, she had milk in a glass bottle. She loved the job of putting straws into the foil tops of the glass bottles. School dinners were mainly meat, potatoes and vegetables and the puddings were the best part! When she was learning to write, she used a chalk board and chalk and then wrote in a book with a pencil when she was a bit older. Mrs McLuckie showed us a picture of one of the books she liked reading which was called “Janet and John”. Her class enjoyed going for nature walks and collecting acorns and leaves. We asked lots of questions and found out that there was not the same technology we have today. There were small black and white televisions and no phones. Life was very different then. We loved learning all about life in the past.
We have absolutely loved making our moving pictures in Design and Technology over the last few weeks. We now know how to make sliders. We made winter characters and animals to show Reception what winter is like. Here is our amazing work.
Over the last few weeks, we have been looking at the story "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. We made a story map as a class and have been practicing orally rehearsing the story. Today, we had a go at independently writing the story. We used our phonics to help us to sound out words and used the story map to help us to remember the story. Here are some of our re-tells.
In Art this term, we have been using our hands to make prints. We talked about our hands acting as a 'plate'. We used handprints to create a background and then used black pen to make a botanical pattern on top.
We also used green handprints for trees and bushes, and then used coloured felt tips to draw the flowers and fruit.
October 2024
What a fantastic afternoon we had! We have been learning about the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo, who made faces out of fruit and vegetables. We learnt how to safely use knives to chop. Last week we designed our fruit face and today we made them. Look at our amazing faces! We especially enjoyed eating them.
In Geography we have been learning about maps. Today, we went into the playground and drew a map of the playground with chalk. We really enjoyed this and we identified lots of features of the playground, thinking of a symbol for each thing.
September 2024
Another real-life superhero visited us today! The fire brigade. We learned all about fire safety and what fire fighters do. We LOVED having a go at using the hose pipe.
In Science, we have been learning about our 5 senses. Today, we enjoyed using our tongues to explore the sense of 'taste'. We tasted different food and described what they tasted like. We also discussed whether we enjoyed the food.
Today we had a visit from some real-life superheroes, police officers. We learnt all about what they do, saw the police van, and heard the police siren. We talked about what they do in our community.
What a great first day we had in Year One. We wrote all about ourselves, sorted objects into different groups in Maths, had fun exploring our classroom, and talked about who is special to us. Well done Squirrels for a brilliant first day.