The Role of Our School Governors
Our governors are a team of people, drawn from the local community, staff representatives and parents who are responsible for ensuring that the school provides the best quality education that we can for the children.
The Governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. Governors appoint the head teacher and deputy headteacher. Each individual governor is a member of a governing board, which is established in law as a corporate body.
Following due consideration and full discussion by the Governing Body it was decided that it would be reconstituted from January 2022 with 11 members as follows:
- 1 Head Teacher Governor - The Head Teacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the governing board.
- 1 Local Authority Governor - The Local Authority Governor is appointed by Nottinghamshire County Council
- 1 Staff Governor - The Staff Governor is elected by other staff at the school to serve for between 1-4 years. Anybody who is employed at the school under a full or part-time contract of employment or services can stand for election.
- 2 Parent Governors - Parent governors are representatives of parents. Parent governors are elected by other parents and it is important to establish a rapport with the parental body that elected you, while continuing to maintain a strategic approach to school governance
- 6 Co-opted Governors - Co-Opted Governors are persons appointed by the governing body and who, in the opinion of the governing body, has the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school
The purpose of governing bodies is to conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school. Our governing body has a strong focus on core functions and we have two committees:
- Finance and Personnel
- Strategic Development and Pupils
Members of these committees meet at least once per term. Full Governing Body Meetings are held once per term.
If you would like to see any of our Committee or Full Governor meeting minutes, please contact the school office by email:
Governor Attendance
Governor attendance can be audited by reviewing the minutes of the full Governing Body Meetings and Committee Meetings - copies can be requested from the school office.
We believe it is important that governors and staff not only act impartially but are also seen to act impartially. The governing body and school staff have responsibility to avoid any conflict between their business and personal interests and affairs and those of the school.
There is a legal duty on all governors to declare an interest likely to lead to questions of bias when considering any item of business at a meeting and for the governor concerned to withdraw, if necessary, whilst the matter is considered.
Therefore, we have a register of business interests for all governors and the head teacher which will enable governors to demonstrate that in spending public money they do not benefit personally from decisions that they make.
Please click the link HERE to view the list of business interests of the members of the Governing Body of Prospect Hill Infant and Nursery School
Total School Balances carried forward into 2023-/23 are £84,599
Revenue Balances: £75,307
Capital Balances: £9,292
A full copy of the 2023/2024 statement can be found HERE
Please click HERE for details of the government's financial benchmarking service for our school
Can be found HERE on the Get information about Schools - Government Website
Meet our Governors
Mrs Louise Rose - Head Teacher
Term of Office: 1/9/2014 - ongoing
My name is Louise Rose and I am the Head Teacher at Prospect Hill Infant and Nursery School. I have spent most of my working life teaching Worksop and became the Head Teacher at this school in September 2014.
I can honestly say that the children, parents and staff all demonstrated to me what a wonderful and welcoming place our school is from the moment I arrived.
On a personal level, I treasure my family and our time together. We love holidays and family days out, trips to the cinema and a favourite past time of mine is a trip to the theatre to see a musical. I’ve probably seen too many, to be honest, but I plan to see many more in the coming years!
If you have any questions about our school, please contact me on 01909 486374 or arrange an appointment to pop into school for a chat.
Mrs Kath Thorpe
Chair of Governors
Co-opted Governor
Chair of Finance & Personnel Committee
Strategic Development and Pupils Committee Member
Link Governor for: Appraisal / Attendance / Health and Safety
Date of appointment: 1/9/2015
Term of Office: 31/8/2023 to 30/8/2027
I am a retired teacher and Education Manager. I worked in Further Education for over 20 years.
I am a member of the British Psychological Society and have a Masters Degree in Education. I also have experience of working in both the Primary and Secondary phases of education. I live locally and have five granddaughters and one grandson, all in Primary Education, two at Prospect Infants and the others all in local schools.
I become a school Governor because I truly believe that children’s education shapes their futures and aids their wellbeing. Schools also plays a huge part in the local community. Visiting Prospect Infant school, meeting staff and seeing children enjoying their lessons and progressing in their learning is very rewarding.
Aside from being a Governor, I volunteer at a local playgroup and have a number of hobbies including walking and singing.
Mrs Vanessa Hamon
Co-opted Governor
Chair of Strategic & Pupils Committee
Link Governor for: Safeguarding and LAC / Appraisal /Attendance /Health and Safety / SEN
Date of appointment: 1/9/2015
Term of Office:31/8/2023 to 30/8/2027
Hello I'm Vanessa Hamon, and I've been a community governor for many years now.
I am a member of Christ Church where I am a Churchwarden and Licensed Lay Minister. I feel that the link between school and the community is mutually beneficial, and it is a joy to have the children in church, especially at Christmas time!
It is always a joy and a privilege to visit school, to see staff and pupils at work, and watch special events throughout the year and give my support.
As a retired infant teacher myself, I appreciate the hard work and commitment that is required, by all staff, to provide the best quality education for all the children and as a recent first-time grandma, I know the importance of these special years in growing relationships and making learning fun.
Mrs Hayley Wilson
Co-opted Governor
Finance Committee
Date of appointment: 12/11/2021
Term of Office: 10/02/2025 to 09/02/2029
I come from Cumbria, but spent most of my adult life in Sheffield having moved there to go to university. I moved to Worksop in 2016 and now have 2 children at the school, one in the infants and one in the junior school. Whilst in Sheffield I was a Governor for several years at a large primary school. I later became Chair of Governors for that school when my first child was only a baby. My daughter went to so many meetings with me she was classed as an honorary Governor! I got to experience a lot in my time there including Ofsted inspections, a major building overhaul and recruitment of a new Headteacher. I really enjoyed being able to contribute to my local community there and hope that I can do the same as a Governor for this school. My children are very happy at the schools and becoming a Governor felt like the right way to give something back.
Mrs Naomi Shaw
Staff Governor
Date of appointment: 17/11/2024
Term of Office: 17/11/2024 to 16/11/2028
My name is Naomi Shaw. I have a joint honours degree in English Literature and Drama from the University of Lincoln. I then went onto completing a Primary PGCE at Sheffield Hallam University. I have worked as a KS1 teacher at Prospect Hill Infant and Nursery School for the last eight years. I thoroughly enjoy being a teacher here because the staff are a great team to work with and the children are fantastic. I have chosen to be a governor to support the school to continue to achieve success.
Miss Jolene Fletcher
Parent Governor
Strategic Development and Pupils Committee
Date of appointment: 10/05/2022
Term of Office: 10/05/2022 to 09/05/2026
Miss Nicola Wagstaff
Co-opted Governor
Date of appointment: 29/01/2024
Term of Office: 29/01/2024 to 28/01/2028
Hello I’m Nicola Wagstaff and I’ve been a Coopted governor since January 2024. I’m a Senior Project Manager and have worked within the Civil Service for the last 28 years. I am also a qualified Lean, Agile and Change Practitioner and Programme Manager.
I moved to Worksop in 2016 and have one son at the school. I was interested in becoming a Governor as I am committed and interested in our children’s future and improving educational outcomes. I can see the amazing work, dedication and commitment of the teachers and staff at Prospect Hill Infant School. As a parent and also based on my expertise and background, I really wanted to support the school and contribute to our local community.
We currently have vacancies on our Governing Body If you would be interested in undertaking this role or would like to find out a bit more about what this role involves, please contact the school office or one of our existing Governors for more information.
How to contact our Governing Body
If you would like to contact our Chair of Governors or a member of our Governing Body, please contact them by letter via the School Office - Maple Drive, Worksop, Nottinghamshire. S81 0LR or by email
Clerk to Governors - Mrs Louise Baxendale - Notts County Council, Governor Services,
Meadow House, Littleworth, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. NG18 2TA. Tel: 0300 500 8080